With just about a year in operation, we are busy planning for the new harvest year. The challenges of starting a plant with new equipment and a new team have given us a great list of lesson’s learned and are working through them to ensure that we improve our processes and increase efficiencies.
Here at the plant, the team is busy planning and prepping for the upcoming year. Our maintenance team has started working on our equipment overhaul by going through each piece of machinery to ensure its effectiveness during the upcoming receiving season. Field bins are being repaired and new ones being built. They are working to make upgrades and small changes to some of the equipment to ensure we continue to improve the speed our hazelnuts flow through the plant, starting at the time the truck hits our scales.
With recently passing our SQF audit, we are now increasing the focus on our Safety programs, developing in-depth programs, taking an aggressive approach as we did with food safety. We have hit a new milestone of over 200 days without a Lost Time Accident.
Our team is also working on refining all our processes, from sampling all the way through shipping. All our documents and standard operating procedures (SOPs) are being updated to ensure everything we do is consistent and repeatable. Our goal is to provide our customers and growers the highest level of service.